Sunday, February 7, 2010

It was bound to happen...

And this weekend it finally did. Considering how often Andrew falls while running at top speed, I am surprised it took this long.

It all started when we went to Home Depot on Saturday morning. Adam is building me a new desk (yea!). So, while he was picking out wood for the desk, Andrew and I went to get the other things we needed. After we had picked up everything we need, we started back over to the lumber department. Now, Andrew being the boy he is, he does not stay right with the cart. It's more like the cart is the sun and he is a planet in orbit around it (and not a very stable orbit at that). But as long as he remains within a few feet of the cart and isn't knocking things off shelves, I am okay with it. He has got to get that energy out some way.

So, we are heading down the big main aisle of Home Depot. We have spotted Adam at the end of the lumber aisle. When we are about 15 feet away, Andrew takes off to establish a new orbit around his dad. He gets about half way there and trips over his own two feet. Lands on his knees and slides across the floor face first into a shopping cart (yes, it looked like it hurt). He turns and looks and me and then bursts into tears.

I picked up my poor baby up and checked for injuries. And it had finally happened.

Andrew had broken his nose. Well, I should say he has all the signs of a broken nose. His nose swelled up and bled. Fortunately, it wasn't a bad break, my child is not going to have Owen Wilson's crooked nose (thank goodness!) And in fact, he didn't fuss about it long at all.

It is amazing how an offer of lemonade and M&M's can make a kid feel better.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow!!! Poor kid :( Let me know if you guys need anything.

    Damn Home Depot... it's just an accident waiting to happen. Which is why I steer clear.

