Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Did he really say that?

Kids say the darndest things. It's really true. There is this song by Basement Jaxx, the chorus of which is "Where's your head at? Where's your head at? Where's your head at?" Pretty simple right? Well, Andrew and I sing it pretty frequently and some times replace the words. For example, while getting dressed we sometimes sing "Where's your underwear?" Good harmless fun.

On Saturday, Andrew and I are sitting at a table at the Renaissance Faire waiting for Adam to return with food. There is a young man (about 25 years old) standing nearby. And my son starts singing the above song but with the words "tweaked." The guy looks at me and says "Did he just say what I think he said?" And I had to confirm that he did.

What was my precious baby boy singing, you ask.

"Where's your penis? Where's your penis? Where's your penis?"


Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Holleys Go Camping

So the Holley family went camping this weekend...for the first time. I should say that Adam and I have been camping once but we went with our friends Dan and Carrie who are experienced campers and, well, basically, they carried us. This time we were completely on our own and with a little boy in tow. Wow.

Because we were unable to find a single open campsite in any of our surrounding state parks, we decided to take Andrew to the Texas Renaissance Festival and camp out at the fair grounds on Saturday nite. I am not sure they should legally be able to call it a camp ground. There is no water, no electricity, no lights, no bathrooms (only portapotties), no nothing. They don't even have campsites marked out. You basically pull up and pitch your tent where ever you want.

So we pulled up about 10 in the morning and did just that. We pitched our tent under some big beautiful trees. We unloaded everything and then went into the Fair. We had a great time and then headed back out to our campsite about 5:30.

By 6:15 it was pitch black. Did I mention there are no lights on the campground? So now I am trying to get a meal prepared in the dark. We didn't think to bring a table so the only elevated surface I have to work on is the lid of the cooler. But hey, how much space do you need to roast hot dogs and marshmallows, right? Fortunately, I had packed some snack items (chips and bean dip anyone) and dinner turned out fine.

Then it was time for bed.

Hmmm...the campers next to us were playing Ozzy Osbourne's Crazy Train rather loudly and the campers behind us had apparently had a little bit to drink and found themselves very amusing. I mean really amusing. But things finally quieted down and we fell asleep...until the train came through. Oh yes dear reader, a train track runs 50 yards away from the campground and crosses several nearby roads. So it had to blow its horn, several times. And a train seem to come by every hour all nite long. And then there was the small airplane that circled the campground several times at a low altitude. Fortunately, once Andrew is asleep nothing wakes him up, the same does not apply to me or my lovely husband.

In addition, when Adam and I bought our tent we were just a 2-person family. And Andrew is an "active" sleeper." I had hoped to put him at our feet but the tent wasn't big enough. So, he had to sleep in between us. I have several unexplained bruises this morning and I am pretty sure he kicked me in the kidneys at least once.

Andrew woke up about 6 am this morning. I know your thinking "Ugh, 6 am? That sucks." Hey, at least it was light outside. We made and ate breakfast, broke camp, and were on the road by 7:40.

It may not have been the ideal camping experience but Andrew loved it and, well, at least it didn't rain. So we have started a list of things we need to take the next time, including a bigger tent and some really good earplugs.