Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Very First Post

So, I have been thinking about creating a blog for a long time, but it just seemed like a pain in the a**. But then my friend Staci started blogging and I thought "Well, if Staci can do it, I can do it!" Ok, I am joking about that, but only partly. I have really enjoyed reading her blog and she encouraged me to do it, so here I go.

I am not really sure what I am going to blog about. My guess is that the postings will vary widely, from a description of my day to political rantings to really random stuff. We will just have to see what develops.

One issue I am still debating is whether or not to post pictures of/blog about my child. I have been opposed to providing any information/photos about my child on-line. I have always thought that was just making it easier for someone who may want to hurt him. I realize that I am probably being a little too paranoid and so in the coming days he may appear on this blog. I mean, if I don't talk about him, what am I going to talk about?

So, welcome to my brave new world...The Holleygram


  1. Can't wait to read more... I've also started a new blog with some of my creative writing, but it's a private blog. I'll add you if you're interested.

  2. A week later but, I've jumped in with you and started a blog also! Looking forward to reading and writing more!
