Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Faith and Politics

I am sitting in my favorite chair and watching the inauguration of President Obama. And every five minutes I am bursting into tears. I have a box of Kleenex next to me and I am not afraid to use it! I am moved and inspired by Obama. I know many people regard politicians as lower than snakes, but I don't hold that view. I hope and believe that Obama can put our nation back on the right track.

As most of you know, I worked in politics for 11 years, including 7 years working for 2 Senators. You would think that I would be very cynical about politics and, believe me, I am. But it has also given me a very strong faith in our political system and the politicians who serve.

It is certainly true that some politicians are in it to get what they can for themselves. They are what the staff call "lobby whores." They are constantly on the look out for the free meal, the free tickets, the free hunting trip, etc. But in my experience, that is not the case with most politicians.

Most of the politicians I have observed during my 11 years truly want to do what they think is best for their constituents, the state, or the nation (even if I don't always agree with what they think is best). In some instances, I have seen politicians cast a vote that they knew their constituents would oppose but that they felt was right for the state. It is rarely easy being a politician. I get so angry when someone says, "He is supposed to represent me and I am opposed to this bill." Let me assure you that he also represents constituents who support that bill. So exactly who does he represent? The answer is both of you. Hopefully, when you voted you chose the person you trusted to make wise decisions not the best looking one or the one from the "correct" party.

So, as we inaugurate a new president today, my faith in our government, and the politicians who run it, remains strong. And, I may have found a little bit of faith in the American people...but just a little...

1 comment:

  1. I, too, watched the inauguration in tears, and with hopefulness and pride. But then again, you know I cry at everything, including, but not limited to, National Championship games. ;)
