Friday, November 12, 2010

Who Are You and What Did You Do with My Husband?

I loooooove Christmas. It is my favorite holiday of the year. And I see no reason to confine it to one month. I am already listening to Christmas carols. Adam disagrees with me. He firmly believes that there should be no hint of Christmas until after Thanksgiving.

For 11 years, Adam and I have waged a battle over when I can break out the Christmas decorations. This has led to me surreptitiously slipping Christmas decorations out during the month of November. If he doesn't notice the Santa on the mantle he can't really complain about it, can he?

We have also have a running argument about snowmen. I say snowmen are winter decorations, not Christmas decorations and thus eligible for display. My snowmen coffee mugs make an early appearance in our house. Adam, of course, disagrees.

Until today.

Yesterday evening, Adam and Andrew packed up all the Halloween decorations and moved them into the attic. Andrew loved the Halloween decorations and told Adam he wanted to put up the Christmas decorations. Two weeks before Thanksgiving.

This morning, Adam asked me if Andrew and I were going to put up Christmas decorations today.

Are you kidding me? Who are you and what have you done with my husband?

I fight for 11 years and get nothing. Andrew asks once and Adam completely shifts his position.
I should refuse on principle...

But I'm not stupid. No, sirreee. I am putting up Christmas decorations today.

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