Saturday, August 1, 2009

Just call me a geek!

As my husband will tell you, I am something of a technophobe. Actually, I pretty much hate new technology and every time we get something new I wail and moan because I have to learn something new. For example, he wants to get a programmable remote for the t.v. I hate the idea. I just figured out the one we already have, why would I want to learn a new one. Have you ever seen the movie "I Robot?" Technology baaaad.

Well, recently, actually about 3 months ago, the battery in my laptop started going bad. In fact, it started going real bad. Unplugged, it only worked for about 7-8 minutes before it crashed. About that time, I discovered that I can not live without a laptop. I check e-mail, research my weekly meals, and write this blog from my laptop (among many other things). I needed a new laptop. ("Need? my husband asked. I thought you didn't like technology." Uncomfortable conversation. I was about to eat crow.)

So after a little research, we went last night and bought me a new laptop. Lightweight, small (smaller than a sheet of paper), and pink! I LOVE IT! Bring it home. I was humming with glee. Plug it in. I can barely stand it. Turn it on and.....nothing. It's is defective and won't turn on. DISAPPOINTED! (Have you seen the movie "A Fish Called Wanda?" Kevin Kline's character opens a briefcase he believes is full of money and it's empty and he yells "Disappointed!" He says it so perfectly that it really conveys the meaning of the word. It's how I always say/hear that word.) So I package it back up and this morning Tiger and I go to Fry's to exchange it. Come back home, open it up and plug it in works! And I love it!

It is so small and lightweight. Technology is a wonderful thing. I love technology. In fact, I think I need an Iphone!


  1. Very nice! Congratulations on your new purchase!

  2. I think I am in love with it! Don't tell Adam.
