Sunday, July 26, 2009

The First Step

We have all heard the saying "The first step is admitting you have a problem." Well people I have a problem. Most of the time I can keep my little addiction in check. But I always find this time of year particularly challenging. The thing I am addicted to is everywhere, it is flaunted in ads on t.v. and featured in every print ad. There are few stores I can walk into where the items are not prominently displayed or pushed at the counter. What the heck am I talking about you ask.

School supplies. Yes, I am addicted to school supplies. I love the smell of a freshly sharpened pencil, the feel of a new ruler, the possibility contained in a brand new, never used spiral bound notebook. Other kids were excited to go back to school because they got to see their friends or got to buy new clothes, I was excited by the thought of purchasing school supplies.

And the fact that I no longer need them has not diminished my desire for them. And they are everywhere. I can not walk through my local grocery store without passing them. And the choices, the endless choices. Pencils: plain old number 2 or mechanical. Spiral bound notebooks: solid color or printed cover, wide ruled or college ruled. Rulers: plastic, metal or old school wooden. I salivate just thinking about the choices. The other day, I bought a 10 pack of pencils (plain old number 2). I did not need them but I could not help myself. They were calling my name and they were only 50 cents a pack.

So there, now you know my secret. I am addicted to school supplies. My only hope lies in my child. In a couple of years he will be heading off to school and then I get to pick out his school supplies. Yes!

1 comment:

  1. I have the same addiction. I found myself purchasing three packages of the 24 pack of crayrons today at Target. I justified the pruchase because they were only .27 cents a pack. I guess we will be doing some serious coloring!
