Monday, October 5, 2009

It Feels Like Fall!

Actually, it doesn't but I have deluded myself into believing that it does. I love fall. The sound of football on t.v. The appearance of Oktoberfest beer in the grocery store. The colors of the changing leaves and the cool, crisp air. Ok, I made those last two up. I live in Texas. The leaves do change color, but the color is brown and that's when they fall off the trees. And we won't have cool, crisp air until sometime in November. Admittedly, we had a freak weather event this year and on the first day of fall, we didn't get out of the 60's. But that is only the second time in recorded history the temperature has been that low on the first day of fall (and I didn't make that up).

However, despite the fact that it is still 90 degrees outside, the calendar says it is fall and I am adjusting my life accordingly! I have shifted my menu to fall/cool weather foods. We are gobbling up the warming soups and hot toasty casseroles. I have been waiting all summer to make some comforting shepherd's pie and I am not going to let something like the thermometer stop me!

I have placed pumpkins and gourds on every flat surface. I am a complete sucker for miniature pumpkins and cute decorative gourds. I see them in the store and though I try to resist, I end up buying them. And I will continue to buy them until they no longer carry them. You know, cute little gourds aren't just for Halloween, they work for Thanksgiving too!

I bought hot chocolate today and I just can't wait to light a fire. Lighting the fire involves Adam's participation and, since he thinks I am crazy, that might not happen until it actually gets cool outside. Don't you just hate those people who won't join in your delusions? Well whether he embraces my delusions or not, he is getting chili (perfect for those cold days) for dinner tonite.

So to my family and friends up north, I say hello! I am doing my part, along with you, to welcome fall, even if I am wearing shorts and a tank top.

1 comment:

  1. The warm food is good any time of year since I love your cooking. The pumpkins I get used to. I'm just looking forward to turning off the A/C.
