Friday, May 22, 2009

Why Me?

It happens in every parent's life, so I can't say I didn't know it was coming. I was just unprepared for it's arrival. And when it finally happened to me...well, you'll see. So what am I babbling on about. I am talking about my child discovering the power of the word "Why."

Yes, "why" has become Andrew's favorite new word. He uses it every time you tell him to do something and, I swear, my head is going to explode soon. You all know what I am talking about. If you are a parent, you have had first hand experience. If you are not a parent, I am sure you have seen a movie with a little kid who constantly asks why. Seriously, it is driving me bonkers. Witness the following exchange:

Me: Andrew, get your shoes on.
Andrew: Why?
Me: Because we are going to the grocery store.
Andrew: Why?
Me: Because we need to buy groceries.
Andrew: Why?
Me: Because we need food to eat or we will get hungry.
Andrew: Why? (Are you kidding me, this is the kid who whines if dinner isn't ready when he walks in the door from school)
Me: Because food makes our bodies go.
Andrew: Why?
Me: Get your ass in the car or so help me I am going to beat you!
Andrew: Why?
and BOOOM! my head explodes.

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