Saturday, April 11, 2009


It's funny how a single event (or series of events) can lead to multiple changes in our lives. Last week, for example, had led to a few big changes in my life. In case I haven't spoken to you recently, last week was a pretty crappy week and that is putting it mildly. My mother was sick the beginning part of the week and then, Wednesday night, I came down with a really nasty gastro-intestinal virus and ended up in the emergency room, after passing out twice, hooked up to an IV because I was dehydrated (I think Adam was little freaked out by the passing out). It was not a good week. And then I worked all weekend (when I probably should have been at home). Those events have led to 3 changes in my life, some bigger than others.

First, I have a new, deep appreciation for water and seem to constantly be thirsty. I am drinking way more water now than I did before the illness. I don't know if this is a lingering effect of the dehydration or simply something wrong with my head (keep your comments to yourself), but I seem to be thirsty all of the time. I probably didn't drink enough water before so this is a good thing.

Second, I lost about 6-7 pounds in 24 hours. While I would never recommend a gastro-intestinal virus as part of a weight loss program, it worked for me (I could probably bottle it and sell it to models/actresses...hmmmm). I decided to take advantage of the sudden and unexpected weight loss and began a diet/exercise program. I am using the Wii Fit program (so much fun) and watching what I eat. We will see how it goes.

And finally, I decided to quit my job. Trying to juggle a job, care for my family (and myself), and not put too much stress on Adam was too much. When I quit my career 2 years ago, it was because I wanted to spend more time with my family and be there to take care of them. Last week, after being at the hospital with my mom for part of the week, being in the hospital myself, and Adam having to miss work 3 days in a row to take care of Andrew and me, I then had to work all weekend. Instead of taking it easy over the weekend and giving Adam a little down time (and time to catch up on work), I was at a job that I don't really need. I suddenly remembered that my family is the most important thing in my life. Clearly, it was time to realign my priorities. And so I did.

So beware the next time you catch a stomach virus, it could lead to more changes than you ever anticipated.


  1. Hey, Stacy, don't you mean "Wii" will see how it all works out? (heh, eh)

  2. Hey girl I am glad to hear your feeling better. That water is mighty important :o)

    I have not seen you in forever. I hope you keep in touch (I am going casual as we have had lots of changes too).

  3. Wow, I hope I will still see you even though we don't work together anymore!

    Oh wait a sec... is there still Longhorn football? Okay, never mind ;)
